winexe to interact from linux to windows hosts

With pstools You can run any command from your Windows PC to any other one. A valid command line alternative to pstools for the linux operating system is winexe.

To install winexe un a natty-ubuntu host (maybe it will work on a quite new debian too), You can add theese twho lines to your sources.list file:

deb natty main

deb-src natty main


apt-get update && apt-get install winexe

Once installed winexe, you can do useful things like

winexe //myserver1 –user “DOMAIN\\user” “tasklist /FI \”CPUTIME gt 00:00:10\””

or simply

winexe //myserver2 –user “Administrator” cmd

and many others! 🙂

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One Response to “winexe to interact from linux to windows hosts”

  1. onclick360 says:

    Look below Document for WinExe example
    Jenkins installation on windows

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