Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

29th of January 2004

Am quite chuffed to see that my humble little blog is now linked to from Liz's blog. I've been a bit zombie-like since yesterday. On the way to work I suddenly snapped back into the real world with an audible click and was aware that I wasn't entirely certain how I'd got half way to work. I could remember leaving the house, but I don't really remember covering the majority of the intervening space. Someone was running in front of me and somewhere in my mind it occurred that they must have ran past me at some point but I couldn't for the life of me remember it happening.

Last night I met up with two of my housemates from last year which was fun. Got all the gossip on what who had done, who they had done, and how that affected someone who had done them in the past. There are a surprising number of love polygons* between my old flatmates. I should start my own Trisha or Jerry Springer-like TV show!

No snow in Aberystwyth :(

*like love-triangles, only bigger.

Blog #10, posted at 10:21 (GMT)