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20th of April 2004

About time I blogged I guess. It's been a while. The weekend wasn't particularly exciting so I had little to report during that time. All I did over the weekend was design my new website which doesn't make particularly exciting blogging news.

On Friday I hired Donnie Darko and had my brain severely messed with. I watched the film again on Saturday and it made a little more sense. At some point I will add my own analysis of the film to LoweyPages ... partly so that people who have watched the film and at the end have no idea what went on can get a rough idea, and partly so I can try and work it all out in my own head.

On Monday I had a meeting with Elaine Watkin at the Accommodation Office. She seemed fairly sympathetic of my situation which was good, and she found a place in Ty Gwerin that I can move into. My only gripe was that she seemed to talk down at me. She didn't talk to me, she talked at me. I filled out some paperwork and arranged to view the flat that evening. I was then sent down to the Student Financial Office because I told them I couldn't afford the £100 deposit until I got the deposit back from my current flat.

After I had been waiting for half an hour for the person who was already in the room when I arrived to leave I decided enough was enough. I could have been waiting there the rest of the day. I figured I could probably find the money from somewhere, whether it was borrowing from someone or whatever.

The room wasn't anything spectacular: Just a bog standard stundent halls room. Bed, desk, wardrobe, bedside cabinet. It was nice to see the network connection - high speed Internet connection here I come! The rest of the flat seemed alright, the kitchen was worryingly tidy. My only concern is that it might be noisey, but then considering I was up half the night last night because there was a collection of drunk bastards running up and down Portland Street yelling at the tops of their voices without regard for anyone...I don't think it can be much worse than that.

This morning I checked the funds in my bank. The gods were clearly smiling on me - my student loan had literally just gone in. I rang and confirmed that I would like to take the room. I've agreed to go to the student village with £100 later today to collect the key and then I can move in. I'll be paying about £120 per month less than I am currently paying...and I will also have the electricity bills paid for me. Plus there will be no BT charges, or Internet costs... so in total I shall be making a substantial saving.

Just in the nick of time too. The car really needs to go in and have the front tyre sorted out. Not sure how much it is going to cost, I must ring ATS and find out.

Last night I watched The Exorcist - what a messed up film! Thing is I found it hilarious at times because I saw Scary Movie II recently. The thing I didn't understand is this: The Mother of the Child walks into her room on several occasions and weird shit happens, like stuff flying around the room...the bed jumping up and down...a display cabinet moving under its own power across the room... and yet none of them ever seem to believe that she might be possessed. There are a number of "wrong wrong wrong sick and wrong" moments in the film though. My favourite example being "Let Christ fuck you!" If you've seen the film you'll know what I'm on about.

Work isn't going badly. I've finally managed to get the site looking about right without tables. Woo.

Blog #117, posted at 13:36 (GMT)