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26th of April 2004

Further Motoring Horror

I've just booked the car into a garage in Clarach. It is officially fu><0r3d. When I drove to work this morning the brakes were making the most god-awful noise. I hadn't realised when I was on the road yesterday because I couldn't hear it over the noise of the blowers/music/wind coming through the window. I emailed my Dad about it. He told me the same thing I already thought. I rang the garage. They told me the same thing I already thought. The brake pad has completely worn away and now it's metal on metal.

If I'm lucky the brake disk won't be screwed, but my guess is that it will be. I'm going to get this damn water leak fixed while I'm there, so I'll likely be looking in excess of £70 for the whole lot.

Damn car.

Blog #122, posted at 14:11 (GMT)