Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

6th of May 2004


It's been a long hard day and I feel utterly ground down. Everyone went for lunch without me and I had a meeting at 2:00 which I had completely forgotten about. So I had to sort all that out, and then the meeting dragged on for hours. All the way through it felt like every idea I put forward was automatically rejected by the group without stopping to think about it and in order to make them think about it I had to keep hammering my point home.

Take for example my idea that we should stress-test the website before going live. First of all it's good practise to stress test any website before letting it go live. Then, I argued I need to be sure that the database-driven backend isn't going to lock up as soon as more than one person tries to access the site. They kept telling me things like "oh don't worry, the site isn't going to get that many visitors". That's simply not true. Especially now it has been decided that there will be a grand launching ceremony and everything. The last thing I want is for the site to go live and then instantly break.

I had to keep insisting that I wasn't sure the database code could handle more than one user just to get them to agree to having three or four people playing with the website at once - as if that's so much to ask. And then there was my point about the word "Support" in the navigation menu being meaningless to me. If it is meaningless to me then what will the users of the site make of it? Yet after 10 minutes of telling them this they still didn't seem to understand that I thought it was a useless word.

All in all I feel utterly down-trodden and have had more than enough. Just to make things better I now have to go and move the remaining stuff out of my old flat and at some point I will need to go to the launderette and at some point I need to try and make my room inhabitable.


Blog #142, posted at 17:05 (GMT)