Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

2nd of February 2004

Accidentally hit Ctrl+Q again, but luckily hadn't written anything this time. I'm going to have to start hacking Mozilla if this keeps happening! (Note that's HACK and not CRACK - I hate the way the media always uses the wrong word)

Last night after I got back from work I went and played Snooker. I was really on form winning 3 frames to 1! For some reason it was all just pulling together and I was potting everything without even thinking about it.

After Snooker I began messing with C, SDL and OpenGL/Glut. I'm learning from some tutorials written entirely in C++ and so was quite chuffed to be able to rewrite all the tutorial code in C with no difficulty at all, it's a far cry from CS23710 (C and UNIX Systems Programming) where my project compiled and ran and displayed a pretty "Segmentation Fault" error. Not only does this one compile and run cleanly...but it even displays a fullscreen black window with two coloured triangles in it! Wow! I'll bet you're all impressed by immense graphics programming skills.

There was yet more drunken arseholery last night including one stupid bitch standing in the road repeatedly shouting in an intensely annoying whiny voice what sounded like "Kaz". Then every 5 minutes or so I would hear a window being opened and a female voice would yell "FUCK OFF". There would be some shouted discussion between them, and then the window would be shut and the whining begin again. I could have slapped her. Words can not describe how much people like that piss me off.

Blog #15, posted at 10:45 (GMT)