Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

6th of June 2004


I've made some changes to the blog script, you may have noticed. Unless you're reading this on the UWA servers. I'm giving serious thought to removing the RSS code from the blog as it makes it extremely messy (it was hacked in as an after-thought) and it actually makes the HTML blog use invalid HTML.

If you're using the RSS feed then let me know if this will cause you problems. I suspect the RSS feed isn't being used anyway, it's never worked right since I built it either. If I do remove it I will create another script that will specifically handle RSS, but there'd most likely be a delay between removing one and creating the other.

Anyway I hope you like the minor changes I've added. I'll add more as and when I find the time to do so.

Blog #189, posted at 17:29 (GMT)