Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

10th of June 2004


I went swimming last night with Tom. He complained a lot as he'd been lifting some stupid amount of weight the day before and so his muscles were all aching. For me it was great to flex my muscles a little, it's been so long since I did anything really active like that. I swam 32 lengths. By the time I was swimming the 28th length I seemed utterly dead in the water, but the tiredness would come and go and on the 32nd length I was feeling good again. When I got out of the water, however, I felt fine.

When I got home I began work on a LoweyProject. I say began because it's going to be quite a big LoweyProject. I crawled into bed about 11 and proceeded to not sleep until about 12. Damn.

I dreamt of a pirate ship ("yarr, me and me first mate ya scurvy curr!") with lots of computer illiterate people on it and me teaching them how to use their computers. I did this by showing them how to run a pirate ship. It was all very strange and metaphorical. I'm sure my brain was trying to tell me something.

I awoke at 6:55 this morning, five minutes before my alarm was due to go off. Before the alarm began making its god awful noise I decided to change it to go off at 8:00 and then went back to sleep. Next I woke up at 7:55, five minutes before it was due to go off again. I changed it to go off at 8:30 and went back to sleep. I woke up at 8:25. Weird, eh? It was nice getting up though, I felt really energised after a good nights rest after a hard days work (swimming) yesterday.

Oh look, this is my 199th blog! Wow. Big numbers now.

Blog #199, posted at 08:53 (GMT)