Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

16th of June 2004

Ah Well

I spent my first night in the new room. Carrying all my stuff up the 3 flights of stairs nearly killed me, but I got it all in and then decided to relax a little. I couldn't muster the strength to start unpacking straight away so I went for a wander along the beach and took some photos of Aber. This is something I've never done in all my time at Aber. I've never taken any pictures of the sights.

When I got back I started unpacking and assembling my room. During this process I discovered that my little TV/stereo unit has S-video inputs on the back of it, which means I could connect my little Namco TV-games thing that Liz bought me for my birthday. I am now hopelessly addicted to Bosconian again.

I've calmed down about the whole no-Internet thing. Thinking back I've managed for the last 20.5 years without an Internet connection in my bedroom, so I can survive until September. It'll give me a chance to get some productive stuff done rather than spending my time communicating. Oh, and Quasi... Please read this

The only other problem is my room is a lot noisier than my last place, but then it's still a hell of a lot quieter than the place I had in Portland Street and it's certainly quieter than the place I had in my first year. Sadly it would seem I barely get a phone signal either. It makes me feel VERY cut off, but it could be worse.

My Sister got out of surgery last night, she had a major operation on her spine. The surgeon reckons everything went really well, so she should be fine but she's going to be in a lot of pain for a long time as it is very intrusive surgery.

Also I found an envelope with a cheque for £100 in it! Turns out my Dad had sent me my birthday present money (I didn't want to sound rude by asking if he had sent it or not) but that I'd not opened the envelope. It was on my shelf all along. I must have bunged it on there when I was in a hurry one morning or something. I emailed him to say thanks and explained why it had taken me so long. He replied and said

"When you didn't mention it I simply figured that you were an ingrate little brat! Nothing personal of course!"

Thanks Dad. :-/

In other news ... I have a GMail account! :D 1Gb of storage, baybeee!

Blog #218, posted at 11:36 (GMT)