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28th of June 2004

T Minus 3 Days

3 days until the website has to go live. Things are getting tense.

Had a splendid weekend with Liz, but it went stupidly fast as usual. Liz bought the second DVD of Black Books and so we had a side-splittingly hilarious day of watching that. There were several moments that left me gasping for air and tears in my eyes I laughed so hard:

Bernard, holding up a picture of Danny the thug, says "Look at him! I'll bet his cornflakes try to crawl out of the bowl!"

Also the scene where Manny is in the bath using countless pieces of electrical equipment. Indescribably funny.

But this was the moment I was worried I might never breathe again:

Bernard and Manny are trying to turn the bookshop into a gourmet restaurant. Manny has made a bowl of soup. Bernard sees it and shouts "what is that?!"

"It's soup" Says Manny.

"Gourmet stuff is always piled up in towers. Get it in a tower man!" There then follows a ridiculous scene of Manny trying to get the soup into a tower. A little later Manny turns around revealing the soup in a splendid tall tower. I laughed so hard at the stupidity of this, but then Bernard says "You call that a tower? Where are the turrets?!" Oh dear god. I've not laughed that hard in a long time.

Suffice to say that I think everyone should own a copy of this DVD.

Sunday we began fixing Liz's outdoor tap that burst during the winter. We failed. Better luck next time, hopefully.

While I was outside dealing with the tap I decided to open the sunroof on the car and the passenger side window as it was so warm. I completely forgot about this when the heavens opened and water all but flooded my car. This meant I drove the distance from Newbury to Aberystwyth via Swansea on a sopping wet seat. Why did I go via Swansea? Because Shrink wanted Liz's coffee table which she is getting rid of and so I had to drive it to Swansea.

Right, must get on.

Blog #233, posted at 15:36 (GMT)