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5th of August 2004

Music and Films

Been playing around with a new machine in Buzz which allows you to "scratch" a sample like you might scratch with a record. Good fun, hopefully I'll have something to show from it soon. Currently I'm struggling with percussion. I want to make some acidic/chemical or even break- beats, but it's just not happening. Everything I make sounds flat and lifeless. It's quite rare now that I listen to music and have no idea how they have achieved a sound, but the drum sounds in the kind of music I love just keeps on defying me. I'll have to do some research on the web.

Suddenly I got bored of sitting at the computer last night and decided I'd get a video out. Then I remembered that I have a huge fine on my record. Then I remembered that they let you pay fines off bit by bit, so I went anyway. When I got there the fine was only £4 - I'd been expecting it to be in the region of £10-£15 minimum. I paid the whole thing off then wandered around the shop to see what jumped out at me. I picked up some arty looking film and wandered around a bit more. Saw Kill Bill and thought "Kill Bill it is, then".

My impressions were that it was a good film overall, but it has a few flaws that are typical of action films: The hero can be punched in the face 20 times in a single scene, yet they do not sustain any bruising or cuts. They will remain blood splattered throughout the film, but they don't sustain any injuries. We see them get hurt, and then when they next turn around they have miraculously healed. For example, at one point she gets hit in the chest by a metal ball on a chain. She is catapaulted across the room and crashes through a table where blood seaps from her mouth. She's having trouble breathing. That suggests a pretty serious injury. But then she gets a burst of energy as she is about to be finished, she leaps up and the blood is gone and she's fine. Later she gets cut in the back, she collapses and is having trouble breathing. She clambers to her feet and struggles on for a short while. Then she gets a burst of energy and she's fine again.

Maybe I'm just a pedant.

Blog #256, posted at 13:03 (GMT)