Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

11 of August 2004

Great Minds...

I had a really cool idea a few weeks ago for a new feature on the blog and LoweyPages. It occurred to me that it'd be really cool if users who stumbled across my blog found that the keywords they searched for were automatically highlighted by my script. This idea, I thought, was so cool that I had to keep it to myself until I got around to implementing it, and then I could show it off to everyone while jumping up and down waving my arms above my head shouting "look at me look at me, geek extraordinaire!"

Today I logged into Bloglines and saw an article in A List Apart titled Enhance Usability by Highlighting Search Terms


Okay, they didn't steal it. Clearly they also had this rather splendid idea independently and I should be proud that I independently invented the same idea as some of the greatest web designing minds around, but it still smarts somewhat.

So, A List Apart, I applaud you for beating me in the race to implement this idea. Now I'm going to go eat my hat.

Blog #259, posted at 11:17 (GMT)