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18th of August 2004

Am I Only Dreaming?

What a lovely nightmare I had last night. You may recall I recently dreamt that my laptop was stolen Continuing in that trend my brain decided it was time for another scare, and so last night I had a dream that my car was stolen. Once again it was fucking scary. However, this morning when I had time to reflect on the dream from my usual cynical stand-point I realised it was actually quite hilarious. Why?

The car was found again. It was found just down the road from where it had been nicked, the door was open as if whoever had stolen it had just jumped out and legged it. There was nothing missing from it, no damage to it... Clearly whoever nicked it realised their mistake half way down the road and just dumped it.

My "Preparing For Emergencies" booklet arrived in the post this morning. I now know approximately nothing I didn't already know about what to do in an emergency. Good to see the tax-payers' money is being used so wisely.

Now for the first cup of tea of the day. Hurrah!

Blog #263, posted at 08:28 (GMT)