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19th of August 2004

Spiddy The Spider Plant

My Spider Plant that I have at work is doing very nicely. It was moved into my office earlier this year as the secretary was overly worried that the terrible radiation and ionisation caused by a running computer would microwave our brains, and she seemed to think that putting a plant in our room would prevent this from happening. I wasn't too bothered, it was nice to have some green in the room. I've been watering it since I got it and it's been looking pretty healthy and happy, but the other day I noticed it had grown two stems that were different to the other leaves.

A little research suggested it was flowering. The stems in question have grown huge now - one of them stretches almost all the way across the top of my monitor. Plus another two have grown. Today the first flowers have even appeared above my monitor. The only question now is, how the hell am I going to take this thing home with me when I leave? It's MASSIVE!

Blog #265, posted at 09:29 (GMT)