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20th of August 2004

Babbie Spiddies!

Spiddy the Spider Plant appears to also be producing some spiderettes! For all those of you who have no idea what a spiderette is, it's a baby spider plant that grows from an off-shoot of the plant.

It's miserable weather outside today. Oh and a completely random aside, Aberystwyth's Central server seems to have gone mental and so I can't log in as a student. Bah.

I've decided to get the Aberystwyth Robocode Tournament running again and so I'm building a new bot that will, all being well, clear up quite nicely when I put it into the arena. At the moment it's not great, but it's going to be good when it's finished. I've had to dredge up all kinds of maths from the depths of my memory in order to implement various features into the bot, some of which I've not even thought about since GCSE maths. It's good fun. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy writing Java, actually.

Now I'm off home to get ready to go to Newbury again. I've got a headache. How annoying. Liz reckons she'll be online this weekend with her wireless broadband access so the laptop shall be taking a trip to Newbury with me for much IRC'ing from different rooms and toilet-blogging. Nah, just kidding. Seriously. Kidding. Can't you take a joke? Jeeze.

Blog #266, posted at 14:34 (GMT)