Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

24th of August 2004

I am a rock, I am an island...

Seems like everything is against me at the moment. Even the weather. This morning it was bone dry outside until I stepped out of the door and then it pissed it down relentlessly while I walked across Aberystwyth to where my colleague lives to get a lift to work. It worked out just as far to his fucking flat as it is to work, I could have walked to work in the same amount of time. Of course, as soon as I got to his flat it stopped raining.

There may be problems with my student loan. I've got to get in touch with the Student Loans Company.

I'm still waiting to hear from both the mechanic and the council.

I've got paperwork coming out of my ears, and I don't understand why in this day and age they can't retrieve my details from some centrally maintained resource or something. Especially the student loans company. I have to fill out exactly the same piece of paperwork every year. Why can't they just remember my details from one year to the next? Is it really that hard to enter my details onto a database and not delete them? So they need to confirm whether I want to take my loan each send me a letter asking me, or ring me, or something... *sigh*

Blog #269, posted at 08:25 (GMT)