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24th of August 2004

Student Loans

I rang Notts County Council about my application for student loan. I'd read in the application form that it is not possible to apply for an Income-assesed loan after the deadline for receiving the loan application form, and that it is therefore necessary to apply for a non income-assessed loan. These are vastly refuced loans, though. This had me very worried. I rang them and they told me it was a misprint.

Now maybe I'm expecting a lot here, but surely after years and years of producing these forms they could have ironed out all the problems by now? For fuck's sake, I couldn't sleep last night I was so worried about that.


Now to get the form sent off to my parents to fill out their section ASAP so that I can get my loan late. Woo. I really need to get organised.

Blog #270, posted at 14:33 (GMT)