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1st of September 2004

Hurrah, Connected At Last!

I've been trying out a new wireless card on the laptop, which proved more difficult than I had expected. It was complicated by the fact that, at some point, the Aber VPN settings had vanished. God only knows how. Plus I installed Proxomitron recently. Getting everything talking to everything else proved a little difficult, especially when the connection unexpectedly died. *sigh*

Anyway the new card is now working and all seems well.


I'm sick of it. Today has been mostly spent doing laundry. It's a pain, it's expensive, and the University's washing machines don't seem to get anything clean. Tomorrow I will be working out what I am keeping in Aberystwyth (not much) and then I shall probably be driving back to the parent's place on Friday. There I shall stay until either Monday or Tuesday when I will descend upon Newbury to stay with Liz until around the 13th when I shall have to dash back to Aberystwyth to move house. Eurgh.

Blog #278, posted at 18:48 (GMT)