Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

10th of September 2004


I have to move into PJM on Monday, as that is the date that my contract runs out. Last time I had to move they allowed me two days to move because, as I explained, I have a hell of a lot of stuff to move. This move would be the same, or so I thought. Nope. I've got to move everything in one day. Arse. That is NOT going to be fun. I may need to enlist help in order to get everything moved up the hill in time.

I've managed to develop a rather nasty looking cyst on my nose. Research on the 'net tells me that I have two options:

1. Leave it alone and wait for it to fuck off, or,

2. Go to a doctor to have it drained with a syringe.

OW. Bloody skin.

Blog #280, posted at 18:19 (GMT)