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27th of September 2004


Back in Aberystwyth again. I got home last night after a tiring 5 hour drive. Half way back I discovered an oil leak (I am not pleased with ATS) and just before I reached Aberystwyth I think I hit an Owl :( Something very Owl-like launched itself from the hedge and hit the bonnet of my car with a sickening thud. I didn't see what happened to it, I can only assume it's dead. There was nothing I could do though, I was travelling at 60 Mph and I was being followed closely so if I'd braked I could have caused a crash. Poor little thing.

Met my flatmates over the course of last night and this morning. They don't seem too bad. My next door neighbour's door really needs some oil on it though, it squeaks like hell whenever he opens it.

I'm now trying to get X11 to cooperate, which it isn't. Seems me and X11 always have issues. Currently my display is at a resolution of 640x480 (unsure what the pixel depth is) and the UK keyboard layout doesn't load unless I specifically tell it to after X has loaded. It's doing my head in and all the resources I can find on this subject have been useless.

Now I've got to go to the CompSci department and tell them I'm not doing the same course any more.

Blog #291, posted at 14:36 (GMT)