Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

18th of February 2004

This morning was fun when I got to my car and found it covered in ice. "No problem", thinks I, "I shall simply scrape the ice from the windows using my handy ice scraper". Then I remembered that my Mum in her infinite wisdom had left my handy ice-scraper in my last car when she scrapped it. AHH.

In the end I had to start the engine to try and get some hot air inside the car (which didn't work) put the windscreen wipers on full, rear-heated window and hope. When I pulled away my driver-side window was still opaque, which made the many left-turns interesting - as I couldn't see more than about a metre out of that window. If the window-winder worked I could have wound it down - but then I'd have never been able to wind it back up again *sigh* Off to Halfords with me after work then.

Last night I received a missed call and 2 text messages from Sophie who's back from France for her ex-flatmates birthday. I've arranged to meet up with her today but, apparently, it depends on when she gets up today...? Ok, whatever. It's nice that she's back, but she could have given me a little warning rather than just appearing in Aber like that.

I got a questionnaire from the DSA this morning because I took my test on a particular week, so they want to know all about me. Honestly, I have to fill out less paperwork to get a loan! It is voluntary but I'm being a good egg and filling it out for them anyway: Mainly just so that I can gloat when it asks how many attempts it took to pass my test.

My flat is a shocking state, I really need to tidy it up when I get back tonight. It's disgusting.

Blog #30, posted at 11:09 (GMT)