Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

4th of October 2004


I went to the doctors earlier. He tells me that whatever it is that's causing the sudden diziness it isn't likely to be anything too serious. My blood pressure and all that seems normal. He reckons it's most likely to be one of two things: An inflamation of the inner ear where all the balancing is done, or a form of mild vertigo which is caused by debris floating around in the balancing mechanism. It's more common when holding the head at a certain orientation, and more likely to occur when stressed or tired. It's nothing to worry about. He's given me some tablets that I have to take 3 times a day for the next week which he says will stabilise my balance (as I am still getting the odd "wobble").

Car: Fuck. Shit. Bollocks.

Something is very wrong. Very very wrong. It seems it's still leaking a little, it's running at high temperature, and it has started making a nasty grinding noise when it's in 1st or 2nd gear. Strangely enough putting my hand on the gear stick stops the nasty noise, but I can hardly drive around like that all the time. Plus when I rounded the corner on my way back into PJM it made the most apalling grinding noise, and again when I went around the last corner before I reach my house. It's going to have to go to the garage and I don't even want to think about the cost.

My Dad emailed me asking how much money I need in order to clear my over-over-draft, and he says he'll transfer the money tonight. That's great, but I'm not sure he's going to be best pleased if I tell him that my gearbox sounds like it's completely fucked. He's having enough trouble paying for my Mum's car as it is, she bought a new one (after writing her old one off) and he paid for most of it. She still hasn't paid him back for the one that she wrote off, most of which he paid for again. It's not even as if She doesn't work.

A Letter From The House of Commons

It would seem the House of Commons fancied a chat. When I got home I found a letter which had printed, in very stern and serious looking letters, "House of Commons" across the top of it. It turned out that the contents were from one Simon Thomas, MP; the MP for Plaid Cymru. It was in response to a postcard I sent from The Summer Sundae asking for an immediate improvement to environmental-based travel issues such as the building of cycle paths and encouraging people to walk etc etc etc. I never in a million years expected a reply! But sure enough he replied and explained that he is pushing for an amendment to the Government's 10 year plan for travel. Once again I am impressed by Plaid Cymru. Their computing skills may leave a hell-of-a-lot to be desired (one of my friends worked for them in his year out) but they certainly seem to be doing the right thing in terms of politics.

Anyway I'd better get dosed up on these anti-dizziness tablets and then head back to the University in search of my coat, which it seems I must have left in a lecture. Arse.

Blog #302, posted at 13:20 (GMT)