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5th of October 2004

Broken Glass

Seems I won't need to crawl on broken glass after-all. Adrian spoke to the person who co-ordinates all of the Major Projects and they've allowed him to take on my project, and my project only! :) Splendid. I've begun work on the specification of the project, and I've chosen to do everything in LaTeX. I decided that the main dissertation would be done in LaTeX because I don't trust MS Word not to lose everything, and because I think it's better for this sort of thing, and I thought doing the specification in LaTeX would be a good introduction to it before I need to use it intensively.

I must say I am impressed by it. It's a very nice way of doing things. I'm going to install all the LaTeX tools on my main computer and all my documents can be written in it from now, because OpenOffice is such a beast of a program that it takes the best part of 30 seconds to open - much longer than I like. Plus it eats memory and hogs CPU time. LaTeX you write as a text file (so needs very few resources) and build it into a PDF or PS file or whatever when you're finished. Very nice.

Anyway, I'd better get on. Things to get done.

Blog #304, posted at 20:41 (GMT)