Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

10th of October 2004


I've left the computer compiling FireFox for the best part of the day. I decided to give it another go after someone told me that the reason it didn't have the options I wanted was because I had to download a plug-in to do it. I hadn't realised just how modularized FireFox is. Anyway, after it had installed I went and got the missing plug-ins and sure enough I now have the options I wanted and so can at least use it comfortably. I'll give it a fair trial, and if deemed shit I can always go back to the full-blown Mozilla. It's a damn sight faster, that's for sure, which is a definite bonus.

Actually, this machine is starting to look great. In the past I've always been interested in functionality rather than making the computer look nice, but with FluxBox becoming nicer and nicer to look at, the good ol' framebuffer device, Amsn, and FireFox themes... this machine is starting to look great. Plus it still runs stupidly fast. In fact, I'd maybe even go so far as to say it runs faster than a new machine running WinXP does and this machine is now about three years old. God I love Linux.

Think I'll pop down to the Linux User Group meeting this... er... whatever day it is it runs on... I feel I've done enough Linux geeking recently to warrant showing my face down there. That, and Bryn who runs it, asked why I didn't turn up to the last one. God knows how he knew I'd been considering it. Perhaps he really is a villainous character from a comic book as I implied the other day when he turned up wearing black from head to foot, including black leather gloves. All he needed was a black cane and top hat to complete it. That, and hiding the text "There's no place like" on his t-shirt. It took away from the overall effect slightly. His super-villainous power? Telepathy, of course.

Okay the medication has clearly gone to my head.

Blog #313, posted at 18:39 (GMT)