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14th of October 2004

Utterly Splendid

This is just incredible. The soundtrack was made entirely using Windows' Sound Recorder.

Ginkgo Bilobo

"My name is Oobeedoop Benoobie, I have the silliest name in the galaxy."

"Oobeedoop Benoobie?! What's your middle name?"

"Scooby Doobie."

"Oobeedoop Scooby Doobie Benoobie?!"

"One and the same!"

For those of you who don't know, that was mercilessly stolen from Thumb Wars

I bought some Ginkgo Bilobo which is a plant extract with the second silliest name in the galaxy. It's designed to help improve circulation, but often also has a positive effect on people with vertigo. Since I took it my hands and feet have been a hell of a lot warmer, which is very nice. Not sure it has fixed my diziness though. All well.

Now I'm off to get a haircut as I am utterly sick of looking like something from the 70s. I went last night but got there 3 minutes after they closed, and that was only because I get stuck behind someone at the cash machine who was taking forever. Life is cruel sometimes. I walked a mile looking like a twat with huge hair, then I had to walk back like that. And now I have to do it again. *sigh*

Blog #319, posted at 08:17 (GMT)