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21st of October 2004

Weatherus Mingus

The weather is atrocious here. It was so bad that I opted to stay at the University rather than walking home. Earlier when I was sat in my room with the window firmly closed, the wind was so violent that my curtains were being blown and I could feel the draft from the other side of the room. This is through a firmly closed double glazed and well sealed window. At one point the window-frame was creaking so much I thought the window was going to be blown right out.

And now I'm starving. Do I,

a. Wait here and hope it gets better, but risk it getting worse, or,

b. Run home.

Hmm. Decisions, decisions.

Major Project

I saw Adrian about my project earlier. He seems to be a little confused about i although I thought I'd make it excruciatingly clear what I wanted to do. I think he's waiting to see it running to get an idea of what it will do. I'm 99% sure that all the databasing will be handled with MySQL. Apparently on the Central server they've only got Oracle installed, which I don't fancy touching with a very long barge pole.

Blog #329, posted at 16:28 (GMT)