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23rd of October 2004

irc2msn Rewrite

I'm in the midst of rewriting irc2msn. The old version died when MSN changed their protocols and the jmml libraries couldn't handle the changes. I tried to get the new version of jmml working but it wasn't to be. I found some different libraries, the MSNj libraries but they won't even connect to the network. Eventually I stumbled across the TjMSNLib libraries and they're much better, except that many important methods were spelt wrong (e.g. acceptInboud and setTransferedAmount) so I've changed all those to keep myself sane.

Now I've got to rewrite all the underlying code as I've decided on some changes that'll make the program that little bit more useful, and because the libraries interface in a completely different way. So far so good anyway, I've managed to connect to MSN, appear in my contact list (I have a testing account on MSN), and send and receive messages. Exciting stuff.

Blog #332, posted at 14:17 (GMT)