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28th of October 2004

Bloody Knackered

Last night I sat up waiting to see the lunar eclipse. I've never seen one in all my years on this planet, so I decided it was about time to finally see one. At about 1am I drove out towards Capel Dewi where there is less light pollution to ensure a good viewing. There was the odd patch of cloud, but it wasn't a problem because the moon was visible on and off. I just wanted to see something of it.

Anyway, me and Saad who came along for the ride sat and waited. At 1:25 when it was due to start what happened? I'm sure you can guess. Cloud. Big thick dense cloud with no breaks in it. CUNTS! The one time I am actually in a position to see the eclipse this has to go and happen.

Anyway when I got back one of my flatmates had a drunk girl in the flat. He kept making crude suggestions to her ("you're only hear for a bit of cock", for example) while I was in the room which made me uncomfortable so god knows how she felt. It was pretty obvious what those two were going to be getting up to during the night, and as he is my direct next-door neighbour I said, as I went to bed, "Don't keep me up all night".

Like they paid any attention. It was already late by the time I got to bed, and it was even later by the time I was able to get any sleep thanks to the amount of noise those two made. No I couldn't hear them shagging, if that's what you are thinking. I was spared that. They talked all fucking night, laughed, she screamed at one point (not a proper scream, more of a squeal), they were in and out of the room repeatedly letting the door slam... Fucksakes.

This morning I had to be up early for a lecture. Unfortunately I got the times wrong and so ended up getting up an hour early. D'oh. So I finally got to sleep around 3 or 4 this morning, and then got up about 9, and so I am now shattered.

Just got back from the pub. Went to see Tom. He seems to be a bit happier than the last time I saw him. Played a few games of pool, we were both utterly crap. Typical.

Anyway, I'm going to get a drink and go to bed as I am utterly shattered and I have to drive to Newbury around this time tomorrow, so I can't afford to be tired then.

Blog #339, posted at 20:34 (GMT)