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26th of February 2004

Snow! Tons of the stuff. Currently I am stuck on the campus as the road out is too dangerous to drive on (there are loads of cars stuck on it, and there have been several crashes) and watching the rather mesmerising snow. The building is almost certainly about to be closed, but I can't get hold of anyone to find out. Shall give it a while and then I'll walk home I guess.

Yesterday Ricey turned up in Aber rather unexpectedly so we all went to the Gog for beer, rather than going to Surfr's to play games. Burt drove Ricey down to mine, so Burt then drove home with me following him where I picked him up and we all then went to the Gog in my car - making me the "Designated Driver", obviously. So nothing more than coke for me. Not that I was bothered, I just wanted to get out and socialise, drinking's not important.

When we got to Llanbadarn it was very eery. With primrose hill being dug up it is quiet around Llanbadarn anyway, but with the snow it was deadly silent.

Blog #35, posted at 12:47 (GMT)