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10th of November 2004

Welcome Back, Desktop

Ahhh it feels so nice to have everything working again. It's a funny thing, but I swear the system ... feels different. I'm still unsure whether the problem I was trying to fix has gone or not, but the system seems much more happy now. I couldn't have put up with the 640x480x16 colours for much longer.

In the end, the single thing that was causing me so much grief was this: The nvidia-kernel driver installs to the wrong place. Seriously. It installed itself to /lib/modules/2.6.9/video/nvidia.ko when it should have installed to /lib/modules/2.6.9-gentoo/video/nvidia.ko, like all the other modules. *sigh* Ah well, at least I have my system back and it's had a damn good overhaul.

Wow, even the SoundBlaster Live! has started working now. Although, that's only on OSS, I must get it working under ALSA too.

Blog #353, posted at 18:46 (GMT)