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13 of November 2004


Just made Pasta Arrabiata again. This time I went full hog and oven baked it and everything, as opposed to cheating and just doing it all in a pan. With 10 minutes to go before it was due out of the oven I decided to nip to the CO-OP and get some squash to drink. When I got to the CO-OP I chose the shortest queue thinking, mistakenly, that it would be the quickest option. The guy in front of me had exactly 58,351 lottery tickets he wanted to buy (possibly a slight exaggeration) and the guy behind the till was too young to scan them through. Fucksticks. He had to get someone else to scan them, and rather than carrying on serving while they scanned them he just stood there. Twat. When he finally served me he managed to throw half my change on the floor.

I legged it back to find the dinner I had so painstakingly slaved over for over an hour was burnt. TWAT.

Luckily it wasn't too bad. Bits of it were a little, um, crunchy, but the overall taste was bloody nice. I'll have to make it again and not burn it to see just how good it is. If I had a bigger casserole dish I'd offer to make some for some of my flatmates too.

I am now completely stuffed and throughly enjoying it. Recently eating too much has led to sudden bouts of feeling incredibly sick but today I just feel pleasantly full. :)

Firefox is still compiling... :(

Blog #360, posted at 20:09 (GMT)