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29th of November 2004

Baby Goths

Found this linked off the yakyak forums. It's so funny I have to share it. Even when I was at school with kids who were like this (constantly conforming to the latest non-conformist subculture) I could see how utterly ridiculous it was. Read the article, laugh your head off then read some of the comments, there are some classics in there. One, maybe two, of the kids featured in the article actually left comments too.

What is with their names? "Shadow Mercy", "Misery Whispers" and "Lord Mercy"?!

"Mommy, I want to be a nonconformist, so I'm going to dress like those people over there. That'll show everyone."


Oh the ironing! You strive so hard to look different, yet you all end up looking the same.

Pete, Surrey

As Liz said when she read that: 'do you think he meant to wrte "ironing"?'

I am 13 from Canada. Is it possible to be both preppy and gothic? I am going for that look. Thanks.

William from Canada

I hope to god that was a piss-take!

thnx for putting my pic and my say on the web i showed all my mates at school now they think i am mad!!!

Shadow Mercy

Okay, how about spending a little more time learning how to spell and a little less time putting on make-up and conforming to the non-conformist ways?

"...I am a goth and so's my mums cousin..."

Lady of Darkness

"I'm Brian and so is my wife!"

Life of Brian, Monty Python

Blog #380, posted at 20:54 (GMT)