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6th of December 2004

Thanks, Flatmates

Tonight was the first night since I can remember where I actually felt tired around 11 and fell asleep at that time. It was perfect. In bed and asleep by 11pm, all ready for my 9 o'clock lecture tomorrow. So why, then, am I now awake? Because two of my flatmates thought it would be a great idea to have a nice loud conversation outside my door at 1:25am. I woke up toward the end of their conversation as they parted. I still had a good chance of falling asleep again, except then my body decided to throw a wobbly. My temperature shot right up and I was dripping with sweat, even when I threw the covers off me. I got up after half an hour of sweating and sat on the end of the bed waiting to cool off.

Dying of thirst I went and got a drink. It's probably just as well that I wasn't asleep at this point because one of the flatmates who'd had the conversation (he's a bit of a twat, I don't like him) decided to have another loud conversation in the hallway. He asked "how you feelin' now? Shit?" To which I replied "well a few minutes ago I was asleep and feeling nothing." and sourly fucked off to the kitchen to get a drink. Then when I came back to my room I realised, all of a sudden, that it's freezing in here. At the time I was hot it felt like the room was roasting, but it's actually really cold. I believe that is what is called a fever, so I took a paracetamol - they're supposed to be good for fevers.

Odd thing is my nose seems to have started controlling itself. Fantastic. The bad news is, my has started hurting again, my ears hurt, my head still hurts, I've started feeling like I'm going to throw up and I am dizzy again. This "cold" has hit me hard.

Blog #395, posted at 01:56 (GMT)