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14th of December 2004

Drink With An Old Friend

Went out for a drink with an old friend earlier. It's strange: We live just around the corner from each other yet we have seen each other a grand total of 3 times this year, 4 times if you include this evening. And, of the 3 times we saw each other, 1 of those times was merely a follow-up because I needed a certain CD I didn't own in order to fix her computer for her. Madness. It was nice to meet up and have a beer, catch up etc. Sad thing is, these days I don't seem to be able to handle more than about 2 pints. Anything more and I start to feel rather hammered.

Tomorrow I shall be supervising a practical ("demonstrating", they call it round here) and then meeting some more friends in the evening as this will be my last night in Aberystwyth before Christmas. Then it will be a case of driving to Newbury again on Wednesday morning. Hopefully without nearly hitting anything this time around.

Before then I suppose I ought to wash some of these dirty dishes that are littering my bedroom.

Blog #409, posted at 00:15 (GMT)