Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

5th of February 2005


I am currently of the opinion that I will be dead or insane by the end of this week. Death from poor nutrition, or possibly caffeine overdose, and insanity caused by J2EE/deploytool/PointBase.

Honestly, how can Sun expect anyone to take this technology seriously? It's slow; a memory hole; buggy; finickity; provides unhelpful error messages when it explodes in your face; it takes 11 steps just to recompile and redeploy changed code in order to test it (as opposed to, say, 2 steps in Perl); it's not possible to build and test each individual part of the system: building one part of the system requires building EVERYTHING in the system (or near enough at least); deploytool has the worst user interface of any application I have ever used, hiding things in tabs, drop-down menus, buttons which open new dialogues with yet more tabs and drop-downs, all contained in a tree structure which changes the appearance of the UI at each level; you'd need a farm of machines running the app-server if you wanted to use it for a low-traffic website. You'd need to conquer the entire world to use it for a high-traffic website.

The good news is that I finally got the car taxed this morning.

Blog #443, posted at 19:50 (GMT)