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10th of March 2005


Just a quick blog to bring this up to date before I begin my 3rd all-nighter to get an assignment handed in on time...

Yesterday we got to play with some Pioneer robots which was excellent fun. We killed "Maggie" :( The first time we ran our code it beeped to say it was beginning to run the code, the wheels turned randomly, then it refused to shut down. It was led away making strange clicking noises. We then got "Marge" as a replacement. It was good fun. We even managed to make it drive in a square as required.

Today I have had the day from hell. I had to spring out of bed and tidy my bedroom this morning when they came to inspect it. Then I had to ram some food down my neck before legging it to my first lecture of the day. I had about 50 minutes to discuss my assignment with friends and then I had to run up the hill to grab my kit for badminton, leg it down the hill to badminton, leg it around in badminton, then I had an additional lecture (as we had a room change), followed by a meeting with Adrian, and now I have another lecture. I'm going to have a long, hot bath when I get home.

Blog #463, posted at 16:08 (GMT)