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7th of March 2004

To Newbury and Back Again

I'm back from Newbury and am thoroughly exhausted as usual. Not a bad journey though, all things considered. Knowing the route makes it considerably less agonising to drive. Fairly uneventful too, apart from brushing a wall and being taken by surprise by a ridiculously sharp being without a warning sign.

Oh and of course there was the pillock following far too close behind me, they were practically in the boot so I decided to teach them a lesson. On a fairly steep hill I tapped the brake and then slammed my foot on the accelerator. Watching in the rear-view mirror I could see that they'd hit the brakes so hard they'd nearly stopped. They must have really bricked themselves. Funny, but they held back for a while then. Not long though.

Had an excellent weekend, as usual. I always do when I go down to Newbury. On Friday I weighed myself and found I was 10 stone! That's a weight increase of 7 pounds since last week! I was so chuffed. On Saturday we went to Swindon, which is a shithole. Personally I was somewhat pleased with my driving across the "Magic Roundabout". Most people end up totally confused by the whole thing. On the way there I wasn't entirely certain where I was going, yet somehow ended up taking the correct exit. Coming back I didn't even realise I had been across the damn thing. I was still waiting for the uncertainty and worry long after we'd past it.

The Swindon Magic Roundabout

I weighed myself on Saturday and found I was 9 Stone 13 pounds. This morning when I weighed myself I found I was 9 Stone 12 pounds. Still, it's a vast improvement. Today we were going to go for a walk, but we decided otherwise when the hail started pounding down. So instead we played a grunge-match of Monopoly which, somehow, I won. I was shocked I can tell you - I have the most unbelievably bad luck with that game.

Afterwards I made the usual checks on the car and came to the decision that it wasn't the coolant that was leaking from the engine - it was the windscreen washer fluid. Well that's one less problem to worry about then. I'm still making a point of carrying water in the car though, just in case such an emergency should ever arise again.

When I arrived home earlier I was surprised to find my electricity hadn't ran out. On the Friday I had been unable to buy some more as I could not find my payment card. After frantic searching earlier I eventually found it - on my desk. Under a receipt. So bloody annoying. Anyway, it's made me think and so I have made a point of storing the number on the card in my computer so that should this happen again I will have something to fall back on.

Right I think I've blathered on enough for now, so I shall have another beer and then go to bed.

Blog #47, posted at 21:51 (GMT)