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19th of April 2005


Try plugging the word "dissertation" into Google and look at the results. Right at the top, in the sponsored links section, is

We Write Dissertations, Custom Unpublished UK Dissertations - 2:1 and 1st Quality Guarantee

At first I was incredulous and didn't believe it was real, so I followed the link to have a look. They write dissertations for people. This makes me sick to the stomach: I've been working so fucking hard towards my dissertation and there are people out there who are willing to just buy their way through their degree.

Setting that aside for the moment, would you trust a company that writes on their website,

Whatever subject your studying ...

We give you, our client the edge, providing ...

If your are looking for the best essay service ...

... in fact were the only essays company ... write your dissertation for you? A company that claims, "We are exceptionally proud of the standard of our essays and dissertations" but then goes on to use incorrect capitalisation, miss apostrophes, and several spelling errors.

I'm speechless.

Anyway I am now off to the department to see a friend hand his dissertation in, then we're off to the pub for a celebratory beer.

Blog #482, posted at 13:12 (GMT)