Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

20th of April 2005


Yesterday night I had a dream that I was living with my parents. In the utility room at my parents house, under the carpet by the door to the kitchen, is an inspection hatch which leads into the pipes that lead to the sewer. In my dream this was open and one of their rabbits was running around down there. Yes, in the sewer. They had let it down there to get some exercise. This seemed perfectly normal at the time. Then I saw my cat down there too (he died about a year and a half ago) and decided I'd better go retrieve him.

I jumped down into the sewer which was easily big enough for a person to walk around in (in reality the pipes are about the size of a fist) and went to find him and the rabbit. I wandered a little and then stumbled across an exact replica of the living room at my parent's house set up in the sewer. My Dad and someone else (possibly my sister but I'm not sure) were watching TV. I can remember having a conversation before waking up wondering what the hell it was all about.

Last night I had a dream that I was living with my parents. Hmmm, notice a theme here? We were in the back garden. I don't remember much of the dream: It seemed to go on for hours and hours but I can only remember bits of it. At one point my mum had a fishing rod which had two hooks attached to the end of the line by another length of line. I had these two hooks embedded in the index fingers of each of my hands, kneeling on the grass screaming in pain as the stupid bitch pulled on the fishing rod and told me to let go. I was trying to tell her that the hooks were in my fingers, but I couldn't talk ... just scream.

I'm not sure how this weird situation was resolved, but I remember that later in the dream I beat the fuck out of her. I was punching her in the face repeatedly, as hard as I could, and her face was turning some interesting colours. Weirdest of all was the fact that she wasn't at all perturbed by this, and was in fact laughing as I punched her again and again and again...

...I swear to god I'm going out of my fucking mind.

Blog #483, posted at 19:29 (GMT)