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2nd of May 2005

Nice Extended Weekend

And so ends another weekend. Liz came to Aberystwyth for the weekend. I'd had 8 hours of sleep from Wednesday to Friday so I was bright as a button, as you can imagine. That didn't stop me going out for a drink with her and Woodsta, Surfr, Lambie etc. The reason for so little sleep was that I had been working on my artificial intelligence assignment, creating a Kohonen network to classify Olive Oil data. It didn't work when I handed it in but I didn't care. I gave a good argument as to why it didn't work.

Anyway it was a good weekend with a lot of alcohol. Now I have to write up my robotics practical by tomorrow afternoon (oh look, no sleep tonight either) and then I have to have written up the reasoning behind my retarded soccerbot. I submitted it on Friday before going out for beer. Actually that's not entirely true. Liz and I had walked all the way down the hill when I realised I'd forgotten to submit it, and so I had to walk all the way back up the hill in order to send it to the tutor.

In other news, I am trying to make Firefox stable enough to use as Mozilla's main client is not being maintained anymore.

Blog #487, posted at 15:43 (GMT)