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6th of May 2005

The Birds

It's like a scene from Alred Hitchcock's The Birds outside my bedroom at the moment. It would seem most students only empty their bins when there's an inspection and so the rubbish bins outside our house are piled high with bin bags. As a result there are hundreds of seagulls on top of them ripping them open.

Oh and Labour won. *unshocker* At least Ceredigion got a good council out of it.

I'm currently testing my "soccerbot" which is proving agonising. The game runs like treacle and they're all bloody stupid. They keep driving into each other and getting stuck. Mine makes an effort to move itself if it gets stuck but the ones that come with the game are less intelligent it would seem, and I have to test mine against theirs.

Blog #494, posted at 07:07 (GMT)