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10th of May 2005

Dick Justice - Cocaine

Found this rather fantastic song last night. If you like Rob Dougan's stuff (Clubbed To Death, Furious Angels, etc) then you'll like this. You can get it (and tonnes of other good free music) from CCMixter ... direct link to the song is below.

Dick Justice - Cocaine, by John Holowach

Also while I'm on the topic of free music, My Reality Is Changing by Teru is also rather fantastic:

My Reality is changing, by Teru

Oh and Clockwerk Girl by sHORT fACED bEAR is also worth a listen:

Clockwerk Girl, by sHORT fACED bEAR

I plan on remixing some stuff from there at some point, which should be good fun. I've just recently installed Beast which is a Linux-based audio environment. It seems very powerful and everything, but the interface is less than intuitive. Still that's often the case with audio applications regardless of platform. At least it seems stable.

I'd like to try doing something a bit different musically soon, something more angry sounding. I've tried it in the past but everything I do that is dark just ends up sounding lifeless or ends up sounding happy. I've got loads of new samples to mash up which I'll have a faff with soon. Only problem is I feel like I'm somehow cheating using existing samples. Ah well. It's all the same to the listener I guess.

Blog #499, posted at 12:03 (GMT)