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15th of May 2005

In Aber

I've made the trip from Newbury to Aberystwyth for the last time. Well, it's the last time I have to make the trip but I will actually be returning as I doubt I'll be able to get my entire room into the car to take it to Newbury.

Actually I nearly had a nasty crash on the way home, it really could have been my last trip. I was crusing at the speed-limit (50 Mph) and I thought I saw lights around the next corner, so I slowed a little. When I got round the corner there was a very good view of the road and it was clear there was nothing there except for a car coming towards me which must have been the light I saw. Then, all of a sudden, a tractor drove stuck its nose straight into my lane leaving me with no choice but to swerve across the road. Luckily the oncoming car was still a fair distance away. Bloody tractors.

When I got here I got my birthday present from Liz (she sent it to Aberystwyth as I hadn't planned on being in Newbury for my birthday) which was a copy of Fatboy Slim - Palookaville and Portishead - Dummy. Two excellent CDs. I've been wanting to listen to some Portishead, I never realised how many tracks they have that I like but never knew who the artist was.

My bedroom window still hasn't been fixed and it's been over a week since I reported it. I'm going to complain in a while. Fuckers, it's freezing in here.

Blog #504, posted at 13:17 (GMT)