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16th of May 2005

Watch Fixed

Well I got the watch sorted out and somehow got conned into also buying insurance for it. It's probably a wise investment, if you own a £200 watch, but I suspect this one is worth a value closer to £20. If the watch gets damaged in any way within the next 2 years I now get either a free repair or a new watch worth up to £99 if it can't be repaired. It also insures it against loss and theft, so if I want a new watch in the next 2 years, all I need to do is say I lost it.

I'm currently waiting to pay the University some of my rent. The wankers in the finance office are at lunch though. At lunch! You'd think they don't want the money. If they really care about collecting money from students then you'd think they'd try to make it easy and not close the office for a full hour of the day when students are quite likely to be wanting to pay them. I always get this, every time I come down here they're closed and I have to wait for them. Somehow I always forget though.

So I decided to use one of the public workstations here in the Old College to kill some time. Sure enough it killed time - just logging on took 5 minutes. 5 minutes of watching the computer do, basically, nothing. Then followed a further 5 minutes of watching it agonisingly slowly draw the box that says "you've got no mail" and the box that says "there is no message of the day", then 2 or 3 minutes of waiting for explorer to open and be usable... Why the hell did they ever put Windows XP on these machines?! They could perhaps manage NT 4, but XP is way too much for them.

Anyway, I'm now going to see how much I can pay the blood-sucking parasitic bastards in one chunk (damned daily limit on credit card) and then head back up the hill without my birthday presents (which are being held at the sorting office because there is an additional fee to pay on them) seeing as the bank won't let me withdraw cash on my credit card. Great.

Blog #506, posted at 13:05 (GMT)