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2nd of July 2005

New Car!

I've got a 1994 Rover Metro, 1.1L. Compared to my Peugeot it's like shit off a shovel (says a lot about the Peugeot). It's got a 4 speed gearbox, which is a little odd, but I'll get used to it. I couldn't find a single thing wrong with it apart from a tiny dent on the bonnet, a minor scratch on the boot, and a tiny bit of rust on one of the wheel arches. The engine is quiet, there are no knocking sounds. It has never had any major problems, it has a full service history and it sounds like it's been very well cared for. It was a good price too.

The trip to Aberystwyth for graduation should be a much more comfortable one now. Which brings me onto my next point. I got my degree result: a high 2:1. The tickets for the ceremony arrived this morning and I got all 4 of them, so everyone will be accommodated for.

Now that I have a working car again I can start broadening my search for a job. And my god I need one. Since Wednesday I've been doing some temporary work in a warehouse just down the road from the flat. It's tedious hard work and very long hours for not a great deal of pay, but it'll help get the bank of my case for a short while so I can find a job.

Basically my job is to take a small flat-packed cardboard box, stick sellotape on the bottom of it, put a pack of "detox clays" in it and then zip the top of it with sellotape. That then gets a label put on it and placed on a pallet. It's almost impossible to sellotape the boxes quickly when sitting, so I have to stand for about 10 hours a day. The most exciting moment is when the sellotape gun runs out of tape and I have to frantically scrabble for another roll before the backlog of clay-filled boxes becomes too great to deal with. Still, mustn't grumble. It's putting money in the bank, which is all I care about right now.

Liz and I are planning the wedding. It's incredible how expensive weddings are. We're trying to cut costs as much as possible, we'd much rather spend money on things that we can do together, and things that will last. A wedding is one day where all your family bicker while drinking booze that you paid for, so we're not planning on throwing money at it. That said, we do want to have a nice wedding too so we're trying to balance costs against "niceness". :) I was shocked by the prices of engagement rings, most of them look hideous and yet are extortionate. Wedding rings on the other hand look nicer and start at sensible prices. We're both really looking forward to it. Current plans are to have it in Autumn 2006 but we've got to find a venue before we can confirm that.

Blog #531, posted at 12:11 (GMT)