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18th of July 2005


Did the whole graduation thing on Friday. The photos will probably be crap though as it was so bright outside that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I've found out what my mark was overall: 68.1% which means I missed getting a first by 2%. Damn. Ah well. My Dad has helped my re-re-re-work my CV and I submitted it to all the big job sites over the weekend, and I'm now fighting the agencies off with sticks.

Boo (the rat) is going to the vet later as he has a really sore looking cheek. It's huge and black. I can see that being lanced, and if it is then I don't want to be in the room. I've got him an appointment for 2:20 at a vet not far from the flat so hopefully he'll be less stressed by the whole business.

Blog #535, posted at 09:51 (GMT)