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17th of October 2005

Another Day Another Dol- er, Pound

I've managed to completely overspend this month. I've got about £20 to last me until the end of the week, and I'm going to need to buy petrol before the week is done. Thank god it's pay-day on Friday.

I've just ordered a new laptop :) I don't strictly need one, but it's kind of a present to myself. The company runs a scheme where you "hire" a machine from them for 3 years, and then the company sell it to you at the machine's market value at the end of those 3 years (£60). ie You get a machine worth £1699 for a total of £901 at about £25 a month. I decided to take them up on the offer and will soon have a sweet 17", 2 Ghz laptop with 1Gb DDR II, 256 Mb nVidia GeForce and DVD+RW. Only problem is that it would be expensive to leave the company within the next 3 years, so I'll have to stay with them until I've finished paying for the machine.

Currently not doing much, wishing I had some work to do :-/

Blog #541, posted at 09:42 (GMT)