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18th of April 2006

Long Weekend

Hope you guys all enjoyed your Easter weekend. I personally spent it doing lots of driving, helping to move rubbish out of my Grandma's house, bagging stuff, driving it to the tip, throwing it around, driving back, helping my sister clean out her horse's stable, coughing and sneezing. Great stuff.

Yesterday Liz and I went down the allotment and did some more work down there. It's actually looking like a real allotment now. I'm hoping to get the old composter working properly (so far it's managed to produce some black slime) and then we'll be able to get some nice compost into the soil. Turns out some cunt has half-inched our rake, so we'll have to get another one. I believe we'll be able to get one from my Grandma's house, luckily.

Blog #581, posted at 13:18 (GMT)