Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

3rd of May 2006

Emo Rangers

Emo Rangers on Google Video - I think I briefly caught sight of my sister in that video.

I've been having lots of weird dreams lately. The night before last I dreamt that my Mum and I were opening a food shop (or possibly a restaurant, I'm not sure anymore) in a shopping centre. While I was sorting some stuff out, a man walked in and offered to sell me a bottle of soy sauce for $400. I've no idea why he was selling in dollars. I thought it was a rip-off, but my Mum was interested. Next thing I know, there's me, my Mum, the bloke with the soy sauce and someone else who I think was a solicitor, all sitting around a table discussing the possibility of a sale. I was trying to coax information out of the seller about what made this soy sauce worth $400, and how buying it would ultimately benefit us. At that point I woke up thinking "what the- ?"

Last night I dreamt about, in no particular order:

going back to the village my parents live in, and being the victim of a racial attack; (the place was suddenly full of black people who didn't like me)

being in some sort of marathon, in which my sister was participating with the brownies; (she's not been in the brownies for about 8 years now)

having my car broken into and the stereo nicked;

my Dad saying something to me which related to my blog. He couldn't have possibly known about it unless he'd read my blog, which had me worrying about what I'd written about my parents up to that point.

...and that's only the stuff I can remember!

Blog #585, posted at 07:25 (GMT)