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16th of May 2006

BBC News 24 Interviews The Wrong Guy

The look of horror on Guy Goma's face as he realises he is to be interviewed on the Apple Vs. Apple court case.Guy Kewney, an IT expert, was due to be interviewed by BBC News 24 regarding the recent court case of Apple Computers v Apple Media (the record label). On the day of the interview, Guy Goma was due to be interviewed for a "data support cleanser" role. There was a bit of a mix-up and, well, the rest is history. Just watch the clip on the BBC News website and watch his face when he realises the camera is on him, and he is to be interviewed on a subject he clearly knows nothing about. Poor bastard.

We shouldn't laugh, but we all love a truly excellent cock-up. Especially considering that he doesn't just say "Sorry, my name is Guy Goma, not Guy Kewney. I'm here for a job interview, I think there has been a mistake!" The very fact that he tries to answer the questions is what makes this pure gold.

Original Article

Blog #592, posted at 07:18 (GMT)